As the Star3 A+ Coordinator, I had the privilege of attending the National Art Education Association National Convention in Chicago, IL on March 16, 17, 18, 2016. Art Teachers from all over countries and some from out of the country were in attendance. My workshops and conference sessions addressed many subjects including relaxation techniques for teachers, arts integration in language arts and science, new art-making techniques, classroom organizational ideas and much more. Throughout the conference, major art supply vendors set up in the exhibit hall handing out art supply samples, lesson plans, and other handouts. For St. Patrick’s Day, we were entertained by a local student Irish Dance troop in the tradition of River Dance styles. While at the conference, art teachers were able to visit the Chicago Art Institute, which is a large art museum in downtown Chicago, and I had the privilege of seeing a Van Gogh exhibit while at the museum. The exhibit focused on Van Gogh’s series of paintings of his bedroom. After attending the conference, I returned to school with several notes, information and ideas to implement that will help students be more successful in my classroom and help me continue to assist teachers in integrating the Arts.
Photo Galleries:
Click Here to See Photos around downtown Chicago
Click Here to See Photos during the Conference
Click Here to See Photos of the Chicago Art Institute
General Session Highlights
Click Here for Quotes from the 1st General Session
Workshops (Click on a Link Below for More Information
Art Therapy
STEAM Innovation: Teaching Science Through Art
Visual Storying
Prioritizing the A in STEAM
A Jazzy Collaboration
Research Findings from Arts Integration Project
Curriculum Jolt
Echo! Echo! Fun Strategies to Keep Students Engaged
The Success of TAB/Choice-Based Art