"Prioritizing the A in STEAM"

Presenter: Sherry Snowden

"It is by intuition that we discover and by logic we prove."
~Jules Henri Pointcare, French Mathematician

-Children are naturally curious; tap into this...
-Make the process meaningful and memorable.
-Use art vocabulary in all subjects.
-Incorporate visual note-taking into all subjects.
-Use multi-step processes.
-Use art as an extension to learning.
-Using motor skills helps embed knowledge.
-Move arms and hands in the shape and motion of objects.

Book: Harold and the Carrot Seed
School Garden
Paint Carrots
Stamp and Print with real carrots

Book: The Tiny Seed
Writing: If you could create a seed, what would it grow into?
-Clay example of the bloomed seed.

-Go outside to observe real flowers.
-Observe real flowers inside in pots.

Activity: Simple Machines
-Bike Day: Bring a bike or scooter to school.
-Art: Draw Bikes
-Observe lines and parts of the bike.
-Extension: Paint/Print with bicycle tires.
                   Create string art, inspired by a bicycle wheel.

Activity: Landforms
-Texturing with Sponges
-Write about landforms created in art.
-Draw from a bird's eye view.